Value Added for Subjects (KS5)
Scenario 1: Subject shows in the VA report but "Est" and "VA" are blank
Check that student has both KS4 APS and KS4 APS (GCSE) in the markbook (Admin, Edit Markbook).
The KS4 APS is the overall APS and the KS4 GCSE APS is the APS based on GCSEs only. If the students did only GCSE qualifications at KS4 then the two will be the same but both need to be entered into the markbook.
Applied General subjects (including many BTECs) will calculate VA using the KS4 APS, and Academic subjects (including A and AS Level) will calculate VA using the KS4 GCSE APS.
If you only have KS4 APS in the markbook then Academic qualifications will not show in VA data.
Scenario 2: Subject does not show at all in the VA report
The most likely reasons for this are that there is either no VA data for the qualification, i.e. it was not a counting qualification in 2016 and was not included in the Ready reckoner, or, you're using a technical qualification which is not included in VA measures anyway. Note that some technical qualifications do count in VA, as long as they are included as an Applied General qualification (as opposed to a Tech Level).
To check the Ready Reckoner:
The latest DFE Ready Reckoner available is based on 2019 dataset and is available at
Open the Qualification Number tab and search for the QAN.
If it doesn't appear then there is no VA data available.
Is subject included in 4Matrix?
It is also useful to check the counting status of the qualification and update this if necessary. This will not make the subject appear in the VA report if there is no VA data available but it will avoid other issues around discounting.
As at November 2023, the lists of approved qualifications can be found at:
- In 4Matrix, check status under Admin, Edit Quals, remembering to slide the bar to KS5
- If subject is marked as excluded then determine the qualification 'cohort' as per the link above:
Academic Qualifications
Academic qualifications should be included if they are valid qualifications for that date (be aware of changes to GCE qualifications from old spec to new spec). Check directly with exam board website if necessary to ensure that the qualification is valid for certification in that year. If so, it should be included (see below)
NB please be aware that some non-GCE qualifications such as International Baccalaureate count in Academic alongside A Level and As Level. See below for a list:
• Extended Project (Diploma)
• GCE A level
• Applied GCE A level / AS level combined
• Pre-U Principal Subject
• Pre-U Short Course Subject
• Pre U Diploma
• GCE AS level
• Applied GCE AS level Double Award
• International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)
• Advanced Extension Award
• Free standing Maths Qual level 3 (FSMQ)
• Applied GCE Single Award
• Applied GCE AS level
• Applied GCE Double Award
• IBO Diploma Programme Core
• IBO Standard level component
• IBO Higher level component
• Core maths
Qualification should be included but isn't in 4Matrix:
The qualification status can be manually updated for the relevant year in Edit Quals. Be sure to change the slider to KS5. Please ensure that Included - Applied or included - Technical are used for 2016 and beyond. Applied - Vocational is no longer a counting category.