Progress 8 for Y7, Y8 and Y9 (academic year 2018-19)

It is possible to import Scaled Scores for the 2018/19 Y7, 8 and 9 using the Key to Success import routine (Admin > Spreadsheet > Key to Success) for these pupils.

The only tool which currently supports Scaled Scores is the new Transition Matrices tool. There is a video tutorial at which goes through this in some detail.

There is currently no official guidance for using Scaled Scores with Progress 8, and there are various other caveats to consider including the Attainment 8 estimates being calculated from the previous years Year 11, not knowing the subjects that the pupils will go on to take at GCSE, and subject-specific issues such as requiring separate language and literature grades.

It is also not possible to generate Prior Attainment Bands from Scaled Scores.

Whilst we do not recommend trying to predict Progress 8 for lower year groups, entering Test Levels and Fine Points in the Pupil Markbook will force 4Matrix into showing a Progress 8 score. We are unable to advise on any conversion methods, but this has been a well-discussed topic on our Facebook group.

We are aware that there will be a number of schools starting GCSE courses for Year 9 in September 2018 that will want to start investigating Progress 8 for this year group, and we will be looking into a couple of possible options to support this throughout the new academic year.

Article last updated: 21/11/2018