Error: Error 26 unable to connect to database
- Check that the Settings file was installed with the Client - go to the 4Matrix folder and check it exists, and that it's larger than 0kb. If it's not there or shows as 0kb, in the 4Matrix Network Manager, click 'Re Copy Files'. Go to the client files folder and copy the Settings file. Add it to the 4Matrix folder on the client, overwriting the existing version if there is one.
- If 4Matrix client launches on the server but not the client, this is a good indication that a Firewall is blocking the client connection to the server. Open the 4Matrix Network Manager on the server and go to Connections. Check that if the Firewall is shown as enabled, that you have made incoming exceptions for both of the paths shown on this panel.
- In Services, make sure that the SQL Browser service is started.
- In SQL Configuration Manager, check that Named Pipes and TCP/IP are enabled.
- If the Firewall is off, or the exceptions have been made, check that the client can ping the server.
- The SQL Server name is limited to 15 characters. If the server name is longer than this then you should replace it with the IP address using the 4Matrix Network Manager. Work through the wizard, replace the name, and then click Re-Copy Files. Replace the Settings file on the client.
- If it still shows the error, contact us for further help.
Article Revised: 13/07/2021