Grade Analysis blue grades/cells

Cells that shaded in blue indicate that the grade in that cell is excluded from performance measures. There are 2 possible reasons that grades are excluded:

  • The subject does not count for the cohort that you're working with
  • The student has two subjects with the same subject discount code or is affected by Pathway Discounting. You can view a discount code for a grade in the ‘Border Analysis’ screen by selecting the grade and clicking on ‘Selected Qualification’ near the top right.

The last update to include changes to overall qualification statuses was issued in February 2024, and this included all approved 9-1 qualifications for 2024 and 2025.

It is possible that the qualification is not set up correctly. You can check the status of a qualification using the relevant document in the DfE's list of approved qualifications. If you need to need to check and amend the status in 4Matrix, use Admin > Edit Quals, select the subject on the left and use the table in the bottom right to change the variables.