How do I create a field for Prior Attainment Bands?

NOTE: This will only need to be carried out once and it is important that you name it as exactly Prior Attainment Band for other features in 4Matrix to use this field correctly.

  • Go to Admin > Edit Pupils
  • Click Custom Fields tab

  • Click Add  to create a field called Prior Attainment Band (only if not already created.)

  • Go to Admin > Edit Markbook

  • In the top right, click Calculate and Set Prior Attainment Band

A prompt will appear to inform you of the number of pupils that will be included in this process. Once complete, you can use this information to filter most analysis tools.

How are the PA Bands set?

The categories based on Scaled Scores are calculated in the following way: 

  • Low prior attainers (code L) have an average scaled score (average of their English reading and maths scaled scores) of below 100.
  • Middle prior attainers (code M) have an average scaled score greater than or equal to 100 but less than 110.
  • High prior attainers (code U) have an average scaled score greater than or equal to 110

Please see our article Key Stage 2 Prior Attainment Bands with Scaled Scores for more information.