School Overview - what do the APS figures mean?

The examples below are based on the 9-1 GCSE points.


APS: The first figure is the average points score per pupil. For example, if one pupil scores 50 points and another scores 40, the average will be 45 (90/2). The second figure is the average points score per entry. For example, a pupil that is entered for 10 subjects with 5 x 5 points and 5 x 4 points would have an average points per entry of 4.5 (45/10). Both figures take performance measures such as discounting and first-entry rules into consideration.



APS Threshold: The first figure is the average points score per pupil that is achieving the threshold in English and Maths. Since 2017, it is a number grade 5. The second figure is the average points score per entry for the same pupils. Both figures take performance measures such as discounting and first-entry rules into consideration.